A Local Scavenger Hunt for At-Home World Travellers using What3Words Technology!
This Shop Local Quest is a deduction game about nearby businesses.
It's like a scavenger hunt that you play from home!
Please Pick Your Town:
This is a game about discovering local businesses in your community.
Explore a map to collect virtual artifacts.
Artifacts are hidden near local businesses.
Each artifact is associated with three words at the top left of the map.
Clues are associated in the three words.
Match a clue with a business to collect an artifact.
We use the revolutionary ///what3words technology
to hide and identify secret locations.
What3Words has mapped every 3x3 metre square location
on the planet with three unique words.
For example, a spot near the Aurora Town Hall is mapped with
the words compulsive.compass.pavements ...
A clue for compass could be round or directions or navigation etc.
Best played on a desktop computer.
Login or Register to Play
Your Email Address:
Register to Play:
Your Initials or First Name:
Your Town and Country:
You have $100 of virtual cash.
Tap an artifact to map it's location.
Examine the map to locate a nearby business or landmark.
Look at the three words - only one word is related to a clue.
Tap the business (below,left) then tap the clue (below,right) to collect the artifact.
Businesses and landmarks.
Clues (relate to one of the three map words):
Use the map to find a business or landmark.
Business or Landmark:
Find a cool What3Words (W3W) location on the map.
Copy and paste the W3W words:
(If not using Safari or FireFox, please enter the three words manually.)
How To Play
Your goal is to collect ten artifacts.
The artifacts are hidden near businesses on the map.
Clues are provided to their location.
Tap an artifact to open the map.
Look at the three words for that location.
One of these words will be associated with a clue.
Examine the map to find the nearest business.
You may have to zoom in and out.
Tap both the clue and the business to collect the artifact.
Be quick before your virtual cash runs out.
Ten artifacts lets you get on the leaderboard.
Play as often as you like - only your highest score is maintained.
Monthly prizes soon to be available.
What3Words.com maps worldly locations with three unique words...
Zoom this map to examine locations.
Use the map to validate locations, both when contributing challenges and playing the game ...
Should you enjoy this free game, perhaps ... Thank you for playing.
About Brainy Games
This game is designed and maintained by Mark Kolb, your local "merchant of fun" at Brainy Games.
Brainy Games creates tactile and online games for all ages.
Educational games, math games, word games, brainteasers, puzzles.
Tactile games are lasercut at NewMakeIt, the makerspace for York Region, Ontario.