Your goal is to identify the secret IRL location of an artifact.
Find it's location on the map by decoded clues.
The map uses
///what3words location technology for mapping.
What3Words has assigned three unique words every location on the planet.
Only the correct combination of three words will mark your location.
In each column above, you will see a set of words.
Only one word in each column is the word you seek.
Use the clues to determine each of the three words.
Clues relate to a target word in some manner.
There are multiple clues for each word.
TIP: look at each word and delete it

if no clue matches it.
Eliminate bogus words by tapping

Tap each word you think solves the challenge.
Once you have selected three words, the map will automatically show a location.
You may have to zoom the map for details.
If the location is mapped into town, you will know to where to go to find the artifact.
Visit the location IRL (in real life) to find the button.
Post your discovery on social media, tagging Brainy Games:
Redeem the button at Brainy Games on Saturday at the Aurora Farmers Market.
For clues starting with "Hidden:", find a word matching
the clue that is hidden within one of the words.
For example, "BIRD (3)" is hidden within "STRENGT
A plus sign (+) connects two hidden words that form a compound word.
For example, male+measurement matches MANAGE (man+age).
First plus [A-Z] plus Last refers to a three-letter word
constructed from a target word. For example, with
"CIRCUIT", First+A+Last is a feline: (CAT).