LETRIX is a dynamic, tactile word search game.
Swap letters to claim words along adjacent pathways.
Earn points in this dynamic, multi-player word search game.
For one to four players from ages 8+.

What's in the Box?
Lasercut wooden tiles:
• 112 single letter (A-Z) and dual-letter (bigram) tiles
• 12x12-inch game board with built-in scoring tracks for up to four players
• instructions.

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How To Play

Game Play:
Players take turns (60 seconds max) to:
• Find a word from adjacent letters or
• Optionally swap any two tiles
• Make one or two words.
For each word made, turn all associated letters upside down.
When swapping with an upside down tile, that tile must be turned face up to reveal its letter(s).

Solitaire: Set up the board as above. Start making words. No scoring is needed. Attempt to eliminate all letters to win.

Read the Instructions

We also have a free drag and drop version you can play:
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