Puzzler's Quest Mystery # 1

Array ( )

Combine all of the marked letters above and unscramble them into words below.

Place each unscrambled word into this mystery sentence to solve it.

Buried     in.

Puzzler's Quest Mystery # 2

Array ( )

Combine all of the marked letters above and unscramble them into words below.

Place each unscrambled word into this mystery sentence to solve it.


Puzzler's Quest Mystery # 3

Array ( )

Combine all of the marked letters above and unscramble them into words below.

Place each unscrambled word into this mystery sentence to solve it.

Was   stolen   to.

Puzzler's Quest Mystery # 4

Array ( )

Combine all of the marked letters above and unscramble them into words below.

Place each unscrambled word into this mystery sentence to solve it.

Concealed     in.

Puzzler's Quest Mystery # 5

Array ( )

Combine all of the marked letters above and unscramble them into words below.

Place each unscrambled word into this mystery sentence to solve it.



# 3: Was stolen to.
# 1: Buried in.
# 5: Secreted.
# 2: Took.
# 4: Concealed in.