Brainy Games has created a series of deduction games for families and teambuilding. Players ask each other questions until they reach logical conclusions and make guesses.

Word Sleuths is available now.

More games coming soon: Ambiguity, Tricky Travellers, Impossible Imposters, Crafty Critters, Clueless, Secret Stuff and more....

Word Sleuths

A tabletop game of secret word deduction for families and team building. Two to six players attempt to guess each other's increasingly longer secret words and accumulate the most points to win. In this engaging and very vocal game, players have fun communicating and deciphering letters into words.

More Information

Guess My Number

My Secret Number is a simple two-player mathematical deduction game. You can choose 3-digit, 4-digit and 5-digit numbers for different challenge levels. Guess your opponent's secret number to score.

Both players get the same numbers but in different colours. Each player discretely picks the secret number of their colour and writes it down on a piece of paper and hides it. Players then take turns asking at least five mathematical questions about their opponent's number before making guesses. The questions can be one of the following:

  • Is the sum of digits of your secret number X ?
  • Is your number a multiple of X ?
  • Is the product of the (first/last two) digits X ?
  • Is the different between (first/last) two digits X ?
  • Can your (first/last two) digits be evenly divided ?
  • Can your number be evenly divided ?
  • Is the sum of (first/last two) digits less/greater than X ?
  • Is the sum of the first/last two digits X ?

Guess My Word

My Secret Word is a simple two-player word deduction game. Each game has 20 cards with 20 words to select in secret. Guess your opponent's secret word to score.

Both players get the same words but in different colours. Each player discretely picks a secret word of their colour and writes it down on a piece of paper and hides it. Players then take turns asking questions about their opponent's word. The questions can only be one of the following and must use one of the player's own words in the opposite colour:

  • Does your word contain one of the letters in "WORD" ?
  • Does your word contain two of the letters in "WORD" ?
  • Does your word start/end with any of the letters in "WORD" ?
  • Is your word related to "WORD" ?

Guess My Job

My Secret Job is a more complicated two-player deduction game requiring players to guess three secrets to win. The secret consists of a name, location and occupation.

Both players get the same information but in different colours. On a separate piece of paper, each player discretely writes their secret occupation, name and location. Players then take turns asking creative questions about their opponent's secret. The questions can be similar to the following:

  • Does your name contain one of the letters in [NAME] ?
  • Does your name start with one of the letter in [NAME] ?
  • Do you live in the [COMPASS DIRECTION] ?
  • Do you live in [PROVINCE] ?
  • Do you work with (a/an) [XXX] ?
  • Do you carry a(an) [XXX] ?
  • Is your job dangerous ?
  • Do you use a(n) [XXX] ?
  • Do you work with [XXX] things ?
  • Do you work [INSIDE/OUTSIDE] ?

Deduction Games Package

Brainy Games has packaged all three games and along with two scoreboards into one product you can order on Etsy

You get 60 reusable cards and two scoreboards to eliminate the need for pencil and paper scoring.

Guess My Critter

Guess My Critter is one of the modes in the Critters game.

Critters is a set of 100 animal cards that can be played as a variety of family games. Each card has an animal, a point value and attributes for the animal. The age range is three to 103. These modes include:

  • Guess My Critter
  • Escape From The Zoo
  • Zoo By Two
  • Zoominoes

Buy Critters | How to play Critters

Free Samples

Download the instructions and print the images to play the game.


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